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GIFT Stillness face mask when you spend €65!
My most beloved, irreplaceable!
Mano mylimiausias, nepakeičiamiausias!
I like the gloss, the color is great. It's nice to know that it's made with natural ingredients.
Patinka blizgis, puikiai spalvytė. Malonu žinoti kad natūrali sudėtis.
Natural looking gloss. It feels very nice on the lips. Great!
Natūraliai atrodantis blizgis. Labai maloniai jaučiasi ant lūpų. Super!
Bright and pleasant, no aftertaste.
Ryškus ir malonus, neturi poskonio.
I really like it, great color, it brightens the lips but very subtly. Just what I was looking for!
Labai patinka, super spalva, paryškina lūpas bet labai subtiliai. Tai ko ieškojau!
Moisturizes, covers and wears well. Nice neutral color.
Drėkina, maloniai dengiasi ir nešiojasi. Graži neutrali spalva.
I really like the texture, the color.
Labai patinka tekstūra, spalva.
I really like this color, summery, fresh!
Labai labai patinka ši spalva, vasariška, gaivi!