Magic Set

Nurturing cosmetics set


27 €
32 €

GIFT Stillness face mask when you spend €65!

It looks like a beautiful clutch, doesn’t it?... Our favourite present to give to (best) friends, neighbours, aunts and all the other amazing women in our lives, this gorgeous set of products will suit any taste.

NEW Matchaberry: looks amazing and works wonders on your lips. Combining antioxidant-rich Japanese tea with four TOP oils for lips, this balm offers long-lasting softness, smoothness and protection. 

Magic Wand: coming to you in a new, beautiful red tube, this serum contains the same brilliant mix of ingredients our customers love. Argan and castor oils help soften and strengthen brow hairs and lashes, keeping this product on our best-seller list.


15 reviews

very good

labai geras


A great set, the balm covers your lips perfectly during the day, and the eyelash serum is for every evening ritual.

Puikus rinkinys, balzamas dienos metu puikiai padengia lūpas, o blakstienų serumas kiekvieno vakaro ritualams.


Both products are amazing. And the packaging itself makes it a great gift. I gave it to my team, who we work with remotely.

Abu produktai yra nuostabus. O pati pakuote padaro tai puikia dovana. Dovanojau savo komandai,su kuriomis dirbame nuotoliu.


Very good eyebrow and eyelash serum!

Labai geras antakių ir blakstienų serumas!


Not only the set itself was beautifully packaged, but also the outer packaging with the internal description and purposes. Therefore, it was enough to tear off the package sticker, tie it with a red ribbon and secretly put it under the Christmas tree. After seeing the package, I also visited the physical store. This year I gifted 6 friends with berry berry products!

Nuostabiai supakuotas ne tik pats rinkinys,bet ir išorinė pakuotė su vidiniu aprašu ir tikslais. Todėl pakako nuplėšti siuntos lipduką, perrišti raudonu kaspinu ir slapta padėti po eglutę. Pamačius siuntą, apsilankiau ir fizinėj parduotuvėj. Šiemet uoga uoga produkcija apdovanojau 6 drauges!


I bought it as a gift, but when I saw what I was going to give as a gift, I decided to buy it for myself!! Great product!

Pirkau dovanai, bet pamačius ką teks dovanoti, nusprendžiau ir sau nusipirkti!! Puiki prekė!


Great products :)

Puikūs produktai :)


A wonderful gift for your loved one. The perfect consistency of a lip balm with a light maca aftertaste. Your lips seem to have recovered and look moisturized and soft.

Nuostabi dovana sau mylimai. Puiki konsistencija lūpų balzamo su lengvu mačios poskoniu. Lūpos lyg atsigavo ir atrodo pridrekintos bei švelnios.


Great product, nice packaging, perfect for a gift. Thank you

Puikus produktas,gražus įpakavimas ,puikiai tiko dovanai.Ačiū