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GIFT Stillness face mask when you spend €65!
What a party! Three friends, a swimming pool, loads of stickers and a cute little house. Products to look after skin and spark imagination.
What’s inside?
EFA – a truly cosmic hair and body wash. Gently cleanses skin and hair without drying.
NIKI – a moisturiser set to become a real hit with the little ones. A small amount is enough to hydrate and moisturise the skin.
LILU – bath foam with lavender and orange oils
I bought this set for my godson for his birthday. When the package arrived, it was simply amazing, very original and attractive. I am very happy that I can give my children natural cosmetics and Lithuanian brand products. I feel very proud!
Šį rinkinuką nupirkau savo krikštosūnui gimtadienio proga. Kai atėjo siunta pakuotė tiesiog papirko, labai originali ir patraukli. Labai džiaugiuosi, kad galiu dovanoti vaikams natūralią kosmetiką ir dar lietuviško brand'o. Jaučiu didžiulį pasididžiavimą!
My goddaughter was very happy with the Uoga Uoga gift.
Mano kriksto dukrele labai apsidziauge Uoga Uoga dovana.
Great texture for the body cream. Easy to apply, unobtrusive smell. Shampoo and pencil are also great.
Puiki tekstūra kremo kūnui.lengvai tepasi,neįkyriai kvepia.Puikūs ir šampūnas bei pieštukas.
The purchased goods made grandson Jakūbas very happy! A real party in the bathroom!!!
Įsigytos prekės labai nudžiugino anūką Jokūbą! Tikras vakarėlis vonioje!!!
I bought it as a gift for my friend's 3rd birthday. Really liked it!
Pirkau kaip dovaną draugės 3mečiui. Labai patiko!
We bought gifts for a little girl, so we didn't try the cosmetics with our daughters ourselves. But the gift package looked solid - complete, thoughtful, playful - it's nice to give a gift, to make a child happy ❤
Pirkome dovanų mažai mergaitei, tad kosmetikos su dukrom pačios neišbandėm. Bet dovanų pakuotė atrodė solidžiai - išbaigta, apgalvota, žaisminga - malonu dovanoti, pradžiuginti vaiką ❤
We bought for gifts, great packaging, interactive packages that attract children's attention, stickers that allow us to create and of course, and most importantly, quality cosmetics that we use ourselves and buy for gifts.
Įsigijome dovanoms, puikus įpakavimas, vaikų dėmesį patraukiančios, interkatyvios pakuotės, lipdukai, kurie leidžia kurti ir žinoma, bei svarbiausia, kokybiška kosmetika, kuria naudojame patys ir perkame dovanoms.