Free EU shipping from 60 €
Spend €65 and receive a free GIFT!
A perfect gift – coupon to shop at Uoga Uoga natural cosmetics shop. Friends, family and colleagues will definitely appreciate your choice!
The validity period of the gift voucher is 6 months.
Gift voucher, everything is easy and simple
Dovanų kuponas, viskas lengvai ir paprastai
I purchased a loose mineral powder and I am very satisfied. So far, all the powders I've tried didn't suit my skin, didn't absorb well, or dried out my skin. The berry berry powder suits me perfectly, the consultant chose the shade very well! Thank you very much.
Įsigyjau birią mineralinę pudrą ir esu labai patenkinta. Iki šiol visos bandytos pudros netikdavo mano veido odai, nesusigerdavo arba išsausindavo veido odą. Uoga uoga pudra man tobulai tinka, konsultantė labai puikiai parinko atspalvį! Ačiū labai.
Hello! it's nice that everything is comfortable and aesthetically pleasing, only functionally something didn't work. I couldn't buy a coupon with text. when I put it in the cart, it said that 30 euros were missing before free delivery and the product was not in the cart. had to buy without greeting. and thank you for the great cosmetics!!❤️
Sveiki! smagu, kad viskas patogu ir estetiška, neveikė tik funkcionaliai kažkas. negalėjau nusipirkti kupono su tekstu. įsidėjus jį į krepšelį rašydavo, kad iki nemokamo pristatymo trūksta 30 eur ir prekės krepšelyje nebūdavo. teko pirkt be sveikinimo. ir ačiū jums už puikią kosmetiką!!❤️
Nice gift voucher, my friend liked it a lot! It's convenient to give an email. a gift when you can't say hi :)
Gražus dovanų kuponas, draugei labai patiko! Patogu dovanoti el. dovaną kai negali gyvai pasveikinti :)
Great product, my friend was very happy with the gift certificate. I know her favorite loose powder is from Uoga Ooga :)
Puiki prekė, draugė liko labai patenkinta dovanų kuponu. Žinau, kad jos mėgiamiausia biri pudra yra iš Uoga Uoga :)
Amazing cosmetics! It is a pleasure to support a quality Lithuanian product at an affordable price!
Nuostabi kosmetika! Malonu remti kokybišką lietuvišką produktą už prieinamą kainą!