
Super. I have many brushes from all kinds of brands, berry is my favorite.

Superinis.Turiu ne vieną šepetėlį visokių firmų uoga mylimiausias.

Foundation brush

Ideal to use with mineral powder


1 pcs
18 €

GIFT Stillness face mask when you spend €65!

It's the perfect choice for applying mineral foundation powder. It melts into your skin and conceals seamlessly for an ultra-smooth finish.

Why you'll love it:

  • Large and easy to use
  • Short bristles cover evenly
  • Durable
  • Made with synthetic bristles
  • Vegan-friendly

This brush will be your best friend when applying mineral foundation powder for seamless results. Its wide shape makes it very easy to use.  

This brush is made using only synthetic fibres - no animals have been harmed in the process!

Synthetic fibres are anti-bacterial and less prone to attract dirt.

Remember, washing your brush regularly with soap or shampoo will make it last longer.


218 reviews

The most versatile brush I own!

Universaliausias mano turimas šepetėlis!


Covers loose powder well.

Gerai dengia birią pudrą.


Soft, comfortable, wouldn't trade for anything else

Minkštas, patogus, nekeisčiau į jokį kitą


Very soft, great coverage.

Labai minkštas, puikiai dengia.


Just cute :)

Tiesiog mielas :)


Good thing

Geras dalykas


I finally have a brush that works for loose powder. It is stiffer than regular loose powder brushes and has shorter bristles

Pagaliau turiu šepetėlį, tinkamą uoga uoga biriai pudrai. Jis kietesnis nei įprasti birios pudros šepetėliai ir trumpesnių šerelių


Very rough bristles, unpleasant to use, I was very disappointed because I have a blush brush which is very soft and I really liked it.

Labai šiurkštūs šereliai, nemalonu naudoti, labai nusivyliau kadangi turiu skaistalų šepetėlį kuris labai minkštas ir labai patiko.


Good size, nice design. I liked it very much.

Geras dydis, gražus dizainas. Labai patiko.