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GIFT Stillness face mask when you spend €65!
This skin moisturizer kit is a real treat. When I bought it, I thought I would just try it. I didn't expect a big effect, but after the first few days my skin became fresher. The feeling itself is completely different, the feeling of stretching the skin is gone. Now my every morning ritual is to revive my skin and then go! :)
Šis odos drėkinimo priemonių rinkinys yra tikras gėris. Pirkdama galvojau tiesiog išbandysiu. Didelio efekto nesitikėjau, bet jau po pirmų dienų oda pasidarė gaivesnė. Pats jausmas visiškai kitoks, nebeliko odos tempimo jausmo. Dabar mano kiekvieno ryto ritualas yra atgaivinti odą ir tada pirmyn! :)
Our deep moisturising line hydrates the skin and restores its barrier function, making it visibly smoother and softer. Studies have shown a long-lasting effect of the active ingredients used in this light-textured product line.
This set consists of:
Natural moisturizing facial mist with hyaluronic acid and quince extract FOG;
Natural moisturizing face serum with hyaluronic acid and quince extract ICE;
This set comes in a gift box. To protect the planet, click here for a box-free option.
You can find out more about each product in its description.
I really like it! The serum is great - no stickiness left behind
Labai laabai patinka ! Serumas super - nelieka lipnumo
A real breath of freshness. Very suitable for my skin.
Tikras gaivos gurkšnis. Labai tinka mano odai.
Smells very nice, absorbs nicely
Labai skaniai kvepia, maloniai susigeria
We bought it as a gift for Mother's Day. And my mother tried it and I did, a very pleasant feeling after the mist, there is no lingering smell, it is absorbed quickly. We were satisfied :) the packaging with the box is super!
Pirkome dovana Mamos dienos proga. Ir mama isbande ir as, labai malonus pojutis po dulksnos, nera ikiraus kvapo, greitai isigeria. Likome patenkinti :) ipakavimas su dezute superinis!
I bought it as a gift, so I didn't try the cosmetics myself. But the gift package looked solid - complete, thought out - it's nice to give ❤ and I would be happy to receive such a gift myself ❤
Pirkau dovanų, tad kosmetikos pati neišbandžiau. Bet dovanų pakuotė atrodė solidžiai - išbaigta, apgalvota - malonu dovanoti ❤ ir pati tokią dovaną džiaugčiausi gavusi ❤
It's a gift that makes you happy in an elegant package. It's nice to see Lithuanian great taste
Tai dovana, pradžiuginusi elegantiška pakuote. Malonu matyti lietuvišką puikų skonį
Very good moisturizing effect
Labai geras drėkinamasis efektas
Not only good products in one place but also significantly cheaper!
Ne tik geri produktai vienoje vietoje bet ir žymiai pigiau!