
I always carry the "Happiness Rocket" with me in my purse, it's great for applying to pimples and disinfecting/drying them (because you never know when they'll hit you!) 5 points!

Visuomet su savimi rankinėje nešiojuosi "Laimės raketą", labai tinka patepti spuogeliams ir jiems dezinfekuoti/pasausinti (nes niekad negali žinot kada jie tave užklups!) 5 balai !

Happy Rocket

Tea-tree and tamanu oil blend for combination, oily and problematic skin


10 ml
15 €

Spend €65 and choose your gift from the intensive care line!

Roll-on product to stop and neutralise emerging skin problems. Based on tamanu and tea tree oils, both of which are irreplaceable when looking after problematic skin.


What makes it so special

  • Tea tree oil accelerates breakout shrinking
  • Tamanu oil speeds up regeneration process
  • Preventive effect
  • Cosmos ORGANIC certified
  • Vegan-friendly

This natural roll-on product is designed for application on problem areas as and when needed, for example, when you feel that a spot is emerging or has appeared already. The roller contains two special ingredients: tamanu and tea tree oils, which help speed up breakout shrinking and drying, all while making your skin look more beautiful.

For best results, use all products within the same line consistently and regularly, according to recommendations.

Apply this oil blend on problematic skin patches to disinfect them and accelerate the healing process. Shake before use. For best results, use with other Uoga Uoga tea-tree line products.

Store between +5 °C and +24 °C

Calophyllum Inophyllum (tamanu) Seed Oil*, Melaleuca Alternifolia (tea tree) Leaf Oil*, Limonene**, Linalool**, Geraniol**, Isoeugenol**. *From organic agriculture. **Naturally occurring in essential oils. 100% organic.


110 reviews

An effective tool.

Veiksminga priemonė.

Virginija Show the original

To be honest, I ordered this product with a lot of skepticism despite the good reviews. I just had a couple of pimples popping up on my face (although adolescence is long forgotten). I applied this product and ran to the mirror almost every hour, trying to prove my truth. And, miraculously, after the night, one was completely gone, the other had shrunk so much that even she herself had to look for where he was. So I highly recommend it to everyone, even the skeptics who are not the first youth. Small minus, intense smell. It doesn't bother me personally, but I'm sure there are people who might not like it.

Jei atvirai, užsisakiau šį produktą su labai dideliu skeptišku nusistatymu, nepaisant gerų atsiliepimų. Kaip tik turėjau ant veido porą bekylančių spuogelių (nors paauglystė jau seniai pamiršta). Tepiau šiuo produktu ir kone kas valandą laksčiau prie veidrodžio, mėgindama įrodyt savo tiesą. Ir, o stebukle, po nakties, vieno visai neliko, kitas taip susitraukė kad net pačiai teko dar paieškot, kur jis buvo. Tad labai rekomenduoju visoms, net ir ne pirmos jaunystės skeptikėms. Mažas minusėlis, intensyvus kvapas. Manęs asmeniškai neerzina, bet tikiu, kad yra žmonių, kam gali nepatikti.


The most important thing is that it works! I can't ask for anything more. Especially - during the night and on pimples that have not yet fully emerged. I use it not only on my face.

Svarbiausia - veikiaaaa! Daugiau nieko ir negaliu reikalauti. Ypač - per naktį ir ant dar nepilnai iškilusių spuogelių. Naudoju ne tik ant veido.


My skin is oily, shiny, clogged with pores. This product did not suit me at all, I think because it is oil based. My skin got even more irritated, so I stopped using it.

Mano oda riebi, spoguojasi, kemsasi poros. Sis produktas man visai netiko, manau, nes aliejiniu pagrindu. Oda dar labiau sudirgo, del to nustojau naudoti.


My teenage daughter really liked it.

Labai patiko pauglei dukrai.


Very good product! I can definitely see results after a few uses. ☆

Labai geras produktas! Po kelių naudojimų tikrai matau rezultatą. ☆


Invisible savior :)

Nematomas gelbėtojas:)


Perfectly eliminates all small pimples, interesting smell.

Puikiai panaikina visus mažus spuogelius, įdomus kvapas.


Not a very pleasant smell.

Nelabai malonaus kvapo.