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I didn't expect it, but it's a perfectly light, fresh-smelling and perfectly absorbed cream! Not difficult at all. I am very satisfied, this is my first berry berry cream!

Nesitikėjau, bet jis tobulai lengvas, gaivaus kvapo ir tobulai isigeriantis i oda kremas! Visiskai neapsunkina. Esu labai patenkinta, tai mano pirmasis uoga uoga kremas!

I Am No Sweetie

Moisturising face cream with argan oil for problematic skin


30 ml
15 €

Gift - Lips mask, when buying over 65 €

Light-consistency moisturiser for daily use on problematic and oily skin. Enriched with tea tree oil which has a preventive effect against future skin problems as well as soothing and removing existing surface imperfections.


What makes it so special

  • Effectively moisturises without feeling heavy
  • Does not clog pores
  • Enriched with aloe vera extract
  • Tea tree oil minimises appearance of breakouts
  • Zinc oxide tackles skin problems
  • Cosmos ORGANIC certified
  • Vegan-friendly

Super light in consistency, this face cream effectively moisturises your skin without the feeling of heaviness. It’s enriched with tea tree oil – a very special friend to anyone with problematic skin.

We’ve combined natural, unrefined oils in a formula which will not feel heavy on oily skin but will actually have a beneficial effect. Enter hazelnut oil – it not only softens the skin but has pore-minimising properties too. The product also contains jojoba oil which is closest to human subcutaneous fats, making it a perfect choice for when you need a light but effective oil for your skin. Aloe vera extract performs a moisturising function, while the rare and beneficial tamanu oil will encourage the process of regeneration so important for problematic skin. Tamanu oil is particularly suitable for acne-prone skin, as is tea tree oil. This latter ingredient plays a special role, reducing the appearance of new breakouts as well as accelerating the shrinking and drying of existing spots. The moisturiser also contains zinc which has a cleansing effect and is therefore suitable for combination, oily and problematic skin.

For best results, use all products within the same line consistently and regularly, according to recommendations.

Use in the morning and evening. For best results, use with other Uoga Uoga tea-tree line products.

Store between +5 °C and +24 °C.

Aqua (water), Corylus Avellana (hazelnut) Seed Oil*, Simmondsia Chinensis (jojoba) Seed Oil*, Glycerin, Cetearyl Glucoside, Cetearyl Alcohol, Calophyllum Inophyllum (tamanu) Seed Oil*, Zinc Oxide, Tocopherol (vitamin E), Helianthus Anuus (sunflower) Seed Oil, Aloe Barbadensis (aloe) Leaf Juice Powder*, Xanthan Gum, Melaleuca Alternifolia (tea tree) Leaf Oil*, Citrus Paradisi (grapefruit) Peel Oil*, Benzyl Alcohol, Dehydroacetic Acid, Limonene**, Linalool**, Citral**, Geraniol**. *From organic agriculture. **Naturally occurring in essential oils. 57% organic of total. 99% natural origin of total.


324 reviews

It absorbs very nicely into the skin, moisturizes well, reduces rashes.

Labai maloniai įsigeria į odą, gerai sudrėkina, sumažina bėrimus.


Like very much. Helps fight rashes. You just have to get used to the smell, which you even start to like later. Naturalness is very important to me, so this is a great choice.

Labai patinka. Padeda kovoti su bėrimais. Tik reikia priprasti prie kvapo, kuris vėliau net pradeda patikti. Man labai svarbu natūralumas, todėl tai puikus pasirinkimas.


I tried to live without him for a while. Impossible! I apologized. Forgave. This is love!

Kurį tai laiką bandžiau gyventi be jo. Neįmanoma! Atsiprašiau. Atleido. Tai meilė!


A wonderful cream, quickly and easily absorbed into the skin, moisturizes and helps fight problem skin

Nuostabus kremas, greitai ir lengvai įsigeria į odą, drėkina ir padeda kovoti su problemine oda


My teenage daughter really liked it.

Labai patiko pauglei dukrai.


After a week of use, the facial skin seems to have recovered a lot. 100% hit with the product

Po savaitės naudojimo, atrodo veido oda labai atsigavo. Su produktu buvo pataikyta 100%


I am very happy with the purchase of this product.

Labai džiaugiuosi įsigijusi šią prekę.


It is difficult for natural cosmetics companies to create an effective product for problem skin. I think it would be great if you have skin where one pimple pops up every now and then, because it really disinfects and soothes a little. I bought the whole green line to treat my acne, but gave up after less than a month. And because of the lack of effect and, of course, because of the smell. Before buying, I read the reviews and thought, well, it can really be that bad. I bought it, tried it - it didn't work. It smelled earthy enough, natural. And after a couple of weeks I understood what people were talking about. The cleanser almost didn't change the smell, but the cream just smells like alcohol. It became very annoying. If there is an effect, you can always tolerate the smell. Unfortunately, in this case it is simply not worth it. I love Uoga and have a mountain of amazing products, but this line just didn't work.

Sunku naturalios kosmetikos įmonėm sukurt veiksmingą produktą probleminei odai. Turint odą, kai vienas kitas spuogelis išlenda retkarčiais, manau, būtų labai super, nes tikrai truputį padezinfekuoja, apramina. Aknei gydyti nusipirkau visą žalią liniją, tačiau jau po mažiau nei mėnesio jų atsisakiau. Ir dėl efekto stokos ir, žinoma, dėl kvapo. Prieš pirkdama skaičiau atsiliepimus ir galvojau, nu negi tikrai gali būt taip blogai. Nusipirkau, pabandžiau - nebuvo. Kvepėjo pakankamai žemiškai, natūraliai. O praėjus porai savaičių supratau apie ką žmonės kalbėjo. Prausiklis kvapo beveik nepakeitė, bet kremas kvepia tiesiog alkoholiu, spiritu. Labai įkyrus pasidarė. Jei yra efektas, visada kvapą galima kentėt. Deja, šiuo atveju paprasčiausiai neverta. Myliu Uogą ir turiu kalną nuostabių produktų, tačiau ši linija nepasiteisino.


It moisturizes well, the smell is not obtrusive. I have noticed that my pimples are gone.

Gerai drėkina, kvapas nėra įkyrus. Pastebėjau, kad nebeatsiranda spuogelių.